Monday, November 12, 2007

1st day in Delhi

Doug-I'm not very good at blogging. It seems every time I start to type and think back on our day my brain gets jumbled with everything we've seen and heard. Delhi is pretty cool but I can't believe how many foreigners there are here. Maybe it's the district we are in. I don't know but we hardly saw anybody different in Mumbai. The pollution here in nasty. Mostly from the Diwali fireworks.

Today was great. We went to a school for under priveliged children today. Kim's girlfriend volunteers there and asked Kim to show some of the interested girls some henna tips. The girls looked pretty happy. This was something different for them as they don't have much experience with anything outside home and school.

After we checked out some hindu temple. It was stunning!!! The architecture was awesome and so are the murti(statues of the different gods).

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